Epistem prides itself on its commitment to providing reliable, innovative, and transferable models, platforms and services to support decision making throughout the drug discovery, development, and early clinical pipeline. With a track record of working with over 200 pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, we offer preclinical and clinical services that you can count on.
Our preclinical services include both in vitro and in vivo models, with a focus on oncology and inflammatory diseases, as well as extensive experience in the gastrointestinal disease area, including GI toxicities. We also offer organoid models for the modelling of complex physiological systems and diseases.
Our GCLP-accredited laboratories also support clinical trials, providing histology, IHC and Image Analysis, gene expression and DNA genotyping services.
We are proud to offer specialist research services that provide invaluable support to drug discovery and development pipelines. Our experienced and highly skilled technical team is dedicated to delivering custom protocols and personalised services of the utmost quality, tailored specifically to meet your needs.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your research goals.