Digital slide scanning can produce high-quality images of full slides while eliminating any operator bias. Quantitative image analysis is a valuable tool for researchers looking to conduct complex studies. Perfectly suited to quantitative immunohistochemistry in clinical studies (biomarker applications). Image scanning, analytical quantification and archiving are fully GCLP compliant.
Images are publication ready and can be shared or viewed remotely.
Epistem can provide a digital slide scanning service and support any stage of drug development. Services can be utilised as a component of an in-house study, combined with sample processing by Epistem’s GCLP accredited histology and immunohistochemistry service, or as a stand-alone service. Epistem regularly supports clinical studies.
The Aperio® ScanScope® is a product of Leica BioSystems
Analysis options of stained or IHC-labelled slides include:
- Area quantification
- Colocalisation
- Nuclear quantification
- Membrane quantification
- Microvessel detection and quantification
- Rare event detection
- Tissue microarray analysis
- Genie software; a trainable histology pattern recognition programme