Epistem provides a comprehensive range of routine histology services, including tissue processing, embedding and sectioning using paraffin wax or frozen tissue embedding and cryosectioning. Decalcification of ossified tissue is available to facilitate the processing of bone samples. We have extensive experience in histological techniques and take pride in providing advice on tissue acquisition, fixation, and preparation to optimise tissues and staining quality. Our speciality lies in the analysis of epithelial tissues, which are the linings of organs and structures in the body, such as the skin, digestive tract and respiratory system.
In addition to routine haematoxylin and eosin staining, we offer a range of special stains that are tailored to the specific needs of your research project. These stains can highlight specific cellular components, such as collagen fibres or lipid droplets, or detect specific pathogens.
Special Stains Include:
- Masson’s Trichrome
- Acidified Toluidine Blue Periodic acid
- Schiff (PAS)
- Grünwald Giemsa
- Masson Fontana Silver
- Van Gieson’s
- Gomori’s Aldehyde Fuchsin
- MSB Fibrin
- Gordon and Sweets
- Luna’s
Epistem are specialists in IHC, from protocol development to labelling of clinical trial material.
With a flexible and open approach, we take on a range of markers from the well-defined to lesser-known antigens. Epistem can source antibodies or work with the client’s own antibodies, source suitable control tissues or provide them from our tissue banks of normal and diseased tissues, tumour xenografts, cell pellets and rodent tissues.
With a thorough understanding of required negative and positive controls, antigen retrieval techniques and detection methods, Epistem develops protocols which can be optimised or validated to the level required. Protocols can be benchtop or via the Ventana Discovery Ultra IHC automated platform for enhanced standardisation.
We have an extensive and growing panel of over 150 antibodies with fully optimised protocols for use on human and rodent tissues.
Epistem can provide high resolution digital images of your H&E and IHC stained slides which can then be viewed remotely and/or images shared on your own platform.
Image analysis is performed using the Aperio® ImageScope® software system