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High-Resolution Melting Point Assay for Rapid, Simultaneous Detection of JAK2, MPL and CALR Variants

Rapid detection of gene variants in myeloproliferative neoplassms.


Sande et al. conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the clinical utility of the HRM-based HemeScreen MPN assay as a generic diagnostic approach for Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). The majority of mutations identified in MPNs are the canonical JAK2 p.V617F, with fewer cases presenting CALR exon 9 mutations, and even fewer carrying MPL exon 10 or JAK2 exon 12 mutations. There is a growing demand for a test capable of simultaneously detecting all prevalent mutations found in MPNs. High-resolution melting (HRM) emerges as an economically efficient and highly reliable diagnostic technique, facilitating multiplex testing.

Main Points

  • Paired peripheral blood (90%) and bone marrow aspirate (10%) specimens were analysed by HRM and Sanger seguencing for gene all targets.
  • All positive cases detected by HRM were confirmd by Sanger sequencing.
  • The study cohort showed 14% of specimens carrying 139 variants: 114 were single nucleotide variants, 3 insertions (5bp), 21 deletions (3-52bp) and 1 insertion/deletion with a VAF from <5% to 95%.
  • The HRM assay overall had a sensitivity of 96.7% and specificity of 98.7% with a PPV of 92.3% and NPV of 99.5%.

Additionally, variants not known to be associated with the disease were identified by HRM and confirmed through Sanger sequencing.


The HRM-based MPN assay demonstrated a 99.5% NPV in a large real-world patient cohort. Its clinical performance, accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and detection of recurrent somatic variants render the HRM-based platform an outstanding screening tool.


Epistem Services


Epistem offers a variety of allele characterisation / genotyping services in a GCLP-accredited laboratory to inform drug development and clinical studies.

Examples of recent studies include:

  • SNP analysis of enzyme variants
  • Quantifying mutant allelic burden in myoproliferative neoplasms
  • HLA typing via hybridisation capture and targeted NGS

Gene Expression

Epistem regularly employs qPCR and NGS services for gene expression, whole-exome, genotyping and epigenetic analysis from fresh, frozen and FFPE tissue.

Laser Capture Microscopy (LCM) is a powerful tool used at Epistem to select individual cells from a population in a tissue for input into downstream histochemical profiling or transcriptomic analysis.


The Histology and Immunohistochemistry team at Epistem have a wealth of experience in developing IHC protocols for a range of biological targets. Our deep understanding of IHC methodology has allowed us to develop and troubleshoot hundreds of working protocols for both automated (Ventana Discovery Ultra) and manual applications. We offer a bespoke service which could be suited to your project. We can work readily with FFPE, frozen tissues, with chromogenic and fluorescent detection systems as well as RNAScope methodologies.