Sequencing Options
We utilise the Illumina NGS platform to offer a wide range of sequencing options for DNA and RNA samples.
Typical samples include:
- Plucked scalp hair (mouse, rat, dog, primate and human)
- Fractionated blood cell populations (PBMCs)
- Preclinical and clinical biopsies (in oncology and inflammatory diseases)
- FFPE tissue sections and curls
For DNA samples, we offer whole exome sequencing (WES) and custom targeted sequencing, which have become increasingly popular due to their ability to detect rare and novel variants and sequence samples with a much higher coverage.
Epistem’s sequencing options include:
- Whole genome sequencing
- RNA-sequencing
- Whole exome sequencing
- TCR-Seq
- Targeted resequencing (commercially available assays and customised assays)
- Multiple disease panels available
- Microbiome analysis
For RNA samples, we offer whole transcriptome sequencing and small RNA sequencing to assess changes in gene expression. Moreover, we provide T cell receptor profiling through targeted RNA sequencing panels.
For customers interested in investigating bacterial diversity in a given sample, we also offer microbiome sequencing.
Data Analysis
At Epistem, we understand that analysing Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data is just as critical as generating it. That is why we offer dedicated bioinformatic analysis services tailored to your specific research needs.
RNA Analysis
Our team of experts can conduct unbiased interrogation of genes that are differentially expressed between relevant comparison groups, followed by comprehensive statistical analysis based on group experimental factors. We also specialise in focused analysis of genes or pathways of interest.
Our specialised software packages allow us to conduct accurate biological interpretation and pathway analysis of genomic data. We specialise in deciphering gene expression information to obtain gene expression biomarker signatures that are relevant to specific compounds, which can be used in clinical settings to monitor drug target engagement and treatment progression.
Analysis may include demultiplexing of samples and raw data QC, genome alignment, identification of differentially expressed genes, pathway analysis and biomarker signature identification and assessment. Where relevant public datasets are available, signature biomarkers can be assessed in independent studies.
DNA analysis
For whole exome sequencing or targeted panel analysis may include demultiplexing of samples and raw data QC, genome alignment and variant calling. Variant (SNP, INDEL) statistics, filtering and annotation and disease associations from clinical databases.
Our commitment to quality and accuracy, combined with our state-of-the-art technology, enables us to deliver reliable and informative results that can drive your research forward. Contact us today to learn more about our NGS services and how we can help you achieve your research goals.