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DNA Methylation

Unlocking the Secrets of Epigenetics

Assess the DNA methylation profile of your samples with Epistem's expertise in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Whether you are working with in vitro, pre-clinical, or patient samples, our services can provide valuable insights. Choose between reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) or whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) based on your project requirements.

What's Available

Uncover DNA methylation insights with our streamlined RRBS and WGBS workflows.

Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing

Unlock DNA Methylation Insights with RRBS: A powerful NGS-based sequencing method that combines bisulfite sequencing with restriction enzymes. It enables the assessment of DNA methylation status in high CpG content regions. The specific restriction digestion used in this technique targets CpG motifs, providing comprehensive coverage of transcriptionally active components, including promoters, enhancers, CpG islands, gene bodies, repetitive DNA sequences, and regulatory elements.

RRBS serves as an excellent platform for clinical applications, such as pilot studies and biomarker discovery, allowing for comparative analysis of DNA methylation levels between different treatment groups, such as treated versus control tissue.

Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing

WGBS is a cutting-edge technique that combines bisulfite treatment with NGS, enabling comprehensive assessment of the methylome of any organism at a single-base resolution. This gold standard method, endorsed by the International Human Epigenome Consortium, provides complete genome-wide coverage of all CpGs, offering unparalleled epigenetic profiling.

With WGBS, we can accurately analyse the methylation status of every CpG, CHG, and CHH locus in your sample of interest. This empowers us to identify differentially methylated loci between various types, such as healthy control patients and those diagnosed with cancer.

By profiling the entire methylome, WGBS opens doors to study developmental programming, cell differentiation, cell cycle and DNA repair mechanisms, as well as genomic imprinting. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the intricate epigenetic landscape.

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