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Organoids Explained: 5 Advantages to Benefit Your Research


In the ever-evolving field of biomedical research, the search for advanced models to study human physiology and disease has led to groundbreaking discoveries. One such innovation that has captured the attention of researchers and pharmaceutical industries alike is organoids. These miniature 3D cellular structures, cultivated in vitro, offer a wealth of possibilities for studying organ development, disease mechanisms and drug responses. Here, we will explore five compelling reasons why using organoid assays can revolutionise your research and drug development efforts.


Multiple Species

Epistem offers a diverse range of intestinal organoid models derived from mouse, rat, canine and human intestines, making it possible to compare drug responses across different species. This can provide valuable insight into species specific toxicities, due to differences in drug metabolism and can complement regulatory toxicity studies.


Screening Tool

One of the most significant advantages of organoids is their utility as a screening tool in drug development. By exposing organoids to various compounds, researchers can assess drug efficacy, predict toxic effects, and study the underlying mechanisms of drug toxicity. The ability to simulate the complex interactions within organs allows for more predictive assessments of drug safety profiles, ultimately reducing the risk of more costly failures in later stages of drug development.


Multiple Readouts Available

Organoids offer a diverse range of readouts, allowing researchers to analyse multiple aspects of cellular behaviour. Some of the key readouts include viability/proliferation, barrier integrity, gene expression (qPCR, RNA-seq), protein expression, and immunofluorescence/immunohistochemistry. This multifaceted approach provides a comprehensive view of cellular responses to stimuli or drug treatments, aiding researchers in making well-informed decisions and drawing meaningful conclusions from their experiments.


Faster Results

Faster results are a notable benefit of utilising organoids in research, especially in the context of drug discovery. As compared to traditional in vivo models, the generation and study of organoids can be achieved with remarkable speed, significantly expediting the entire drug development pipeline.


Ethical Benefits

Organoids offer an ethical advantage over traditional in vivo models as they can replace or reduce the need for animal testing. This shift towards organoids reflects a growing societal awareness of the moral implications surrounding animal experimentation. Additionally, organoid models can provide more relevant and human-specific data while reducing the reliance on extensive animal-based studies.


Concluding Remarks

Organoids represent a game-changing technology in the field of biomedical research and drug development. With their ability to replicate the characteristics of real organs, maintain genomic stability, and accommodate multiple species, organoids offer a powerful and versatile tool for advancing scientific knowledge and facilitating personalised medicine. Furthermore, their application as a screening tool and the availability of various readouts makes organoids an invaluable asset in understanding drug responses and mechanisms of toxicity. As the scientific community continues to harness the potential of organoids, we can anticipate even more groundbreaking discoveries and improved therapeutic strategies soon. Embracing organoids as a valuable investment can undoubtedly lead to transformative advancements in biomedical research and healthcare.


Epistem’s Organoid Research Models

Epistem offers small intestinal in vitro organoid models as a robust screening tool to aid the selection of candidate treatments with minimum GI toxicity and maximum efficacy.

Organoid cultures, derived from variety of species, display cellular architecture that closely resembles that observed in vivo. Cultures mimic the stem cell niche allowing cell proliferation and differentiation to occur. The established organoid protocols can utilise a mixture of different readouts: viability and proliferation, immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, gene expression, ELISA, cytokine profiling, flow cytometry, & in-situ hybridisation (RNAscope).